What information will I see in Account Activity in the My Security Benefit app?

My Security Benefit app

This activity summary summarizes the key activities for your mutual fund account(s) included for a specified time. Here is a definition for each of the items in your activity summary:

  1. Beginning Balance —the beginning balance is the total dollar value of all your mutual fund accounts included in the summary for the beginning date chosen.
  2. Contributions — any contributions made to your account will be reflected here.  Dividend income or market fluctuations are not reflected here.
  3. Distributions and Loans — any distributions or loans requested by you from your account will be reflected here.  Any applicable redemption or short term trader fees are also included in the amount reflected here.  
  4. Loan Repayments — any repayments you make for an outstanding loan are reflected here.
  5. Fees & Expenses — any fees debited from your account for services provided by your financial professional, or Security Benefit are reflected here.
  6. Gain/Loss — this is any increase or decrease in the value of your accounts over the period selected caused by the changes in the mutual funds' beginning and ending share prices (net asset values). 
  7. Ending Balance — ending balance is the total dollar value of all accounts included for the ending date chosen.